How Animated Logo Can Help In Delivering The Brand Clearly
3 min readJul 11, 2022


How Animated Logo Can Help In Delivering The Brand Clearly

The logo of a brand is its face which is the first thing that one looks at. Hence, it is essential to make your logo stand out and be memorable.

In the present digital world, when customers come across thousands of brands daily, it has become tougher to establish an identity for yourself. To help you out in this situation, your knight in shining armor- animated logos are here. With rapid technological advancements, this new concept has established its foothold in the marketing industry in a very short time. But what is the reason behind the craze of these dynamic logos? Let’s find out.

Distinct personality

Although motion graphic designers give their best to create logos that are different from others, people often get confused among them. No one is to blame because the bases of companies are often the deciding factor for a logo. For example, soft drinks are related to thirst or bottles, so even if the colors can be experimented with, this base remains attached to the logo in one way or the other, or else it might confuse consumers.

But adding a little motion can create wonders. Freedom for animation gives wings to the designers, and many distinct logos can be created for different products of the same industry.

Attention grabbers

We want our logos to be viewed, to be remembered. But how to do that, especially when human attention span is worse than that of a goldfish? Again, by adding movement. It will not only call for viewers to take a look at the logo, but if it’s out-of-the-box, it can also be pasted in their minds for a longer period.

Brand awareness

Animation is not just about sliding, rotating, resizing images. It has no boundaries. We can present any kind of movement through them. This decision depends on how you want your brand to be perceived. For example, An animated wink may not be suitable for a formal company dealing with serious affairs. A perfect animation speaks for itself and increases brand awareness.

Thus logo making requires not only creative skills but also analytical skills that will be suitable in specific situations. This is why people look for motion graphic designers to get their vision across to the masses.

Invokes emotions

Moving images are considered best in invoking various kinds of emotions from your customers. Animated logos make them feel shocked, happy, teased, surprised, excited, which is quite difficult for static logos.

You can convey a whole story through this 5–6 seconds graphic which will let your customers know your purpose, your USP, and in total, your brand.

Increased engagement

Customers are always aware of new trends. They tend to believe those brands more who constantly update themselves to keep up with the changing time. So ignoring this flooding trend may impact your image in front of those socially active customers.

Furthermore, animated logos are found to have more online engagement. It may bring you new customers or may open new markets for you.



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